TEASER: Token-EnAanced Spacial Modeling for Expression Reconstruction

Yunfei Liu1, *, Lei Zhu2, *, Lijian Lin1, Ye Zhu1, Ailing Zhang2, Yu Li1
1International Digital Economy Academy (IDEA), Shenzhen, China,   2Peking University Graduate School, Shenzhen, China,   *Equal contribution  

TL;DR: TEASER reconstructs precise 3D facial expression and generates high-fidelity face image through estimating hybrid parameters for 3D facial reconstruction.


3D facial reconstruction from a single in-the-wild image is a crucial task in human-centered computer vision tasks. While existing methods can recover accurate facial shapes, there remains significant space for improvement in fine-grained expression capture. Current approaches struggle with irregular mouth shapes, exaggerated expressions, and asymmetrical facial movements. We present TEASER (Token EnhAnced Spatial modeling for Expressions Reconstruction), which addresses these challenges and enhances 3D facial geometry performance. TEASER tackles two main limitations of existing methods: insufficient photometric loss for self-reconstruction and inaccurate localization of subtle expressions. We introduce a multi-scale tokenizer to extract facial appearance information. Combined with a neural renderer, these tokens provide precise geometric guidance for expression reconstruction. Furthermore, TEASER incorporates a pose-dependent landmark loss to further improve geometric performance. Our approach not only significantly enhances expression reconstruction quality but also offers interpretable tokens suitable for various downstream applications, such as photorealistic facial video driving, expression transfer, and identity swapping. Quantitative and qualitative experimental results across multiple datasets demonstrate that TEASER achieves state-of-the-art performance in precise expression reconstruction.


The framework of TEASER pipeline.

In summary, the main contributions of this paper are as follows:

  1. We propose TEASER, a novel approach that achieves more accurate facial expression reconstruction by predicting a hybrid representation of faces from a single image.
  2. We design a multi-scale facial appearance tokenizer and introduce a token-guided neural renderer to generate high-fidelity facial images. The extracted token is interpretable and highly disentangled, enabling various downstream applications.
  3. We develop a token cycle constraint for self-supervised training of the tokenizer. We introduce pose-dependent landmark loss and region loss to further enhance the quality of expression reconstruction and facial image reconstruction
  4. TEASER achieves the state-of-the-art performance, including quantitative and qualitative results on multiple benchmark datasets. Rigorous experiments also demonstrate the efficiency of different components in TEASER. Furthermore, we showcase impressive results in various face editing and animation tasks.

Experimental Results

Visual comparison of 3D face reconstruction with SOTA methods.

More results on LRS3 dataset.

More results on HDTF dataset.

Replace the token with a new one.

Replace the token and shape with a new one.

Expression driven face animation.

How to cite


  title={TEASER: Token Enhanced Spatial Modeling for Expressions Reconstruction},
  author={Liu, Yunfei and Zhu, Lei and Lin, Lijian and Zhu, Ye and Zhang, Ailing and Li, Yu},